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February 14, 2025, 04:20:42 pm
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  Summary - SonicBlue77 Information User Comments

Can Ya Catch Me!?! >:)
Name: SonicBlue77
Posts: 194 (0.033 per day)
Position: Administrator
Rep: +14/-0
Date Registered: October 20, 2008, 10:07:11 pm
Last Active: October 24, 2009, 06:14:37 pm

Email: hidden
Website: *I don't use my website, It won't get updated anymore*
Current Status: Offline Offline
Respect Points: N/A
Previous Names: Marioman57, NintendoFan77, GenoFan77
Page Content: [background=http://media.photobucket.com/image/mario/cristianoronaldode10/estrella-mario.jpg?o=31]
Hey, welcome to my userpage. :D
Info about me:
I'm a 14 year old hacking dude who's favorite game is SSBB.
I'm the team laeder of a team hack, Firebar and Weegee are Vice Team Leaders. ;)
I'm working on a hack right now by myself called "Mario and The Mushroom of Power."

Hobbies: Hacking, Playing wii and old games, and also comp action. ;)

Music : Rock, some jazz, some, game music, and...welll, that's it.

Books: what's "reading?"

Movies: cartoons(if you say i'm too old to watch cartoons, I'll ignore you, just a heads up, If my friends say I am, i'm not. ;]), comedy movies, and also,  some action movies.

Hacks I've cancelled/# of cancelled hacks: I've cancelled the following: (some hacks I can't remember so I may miss a few)
Beeble Revolution - This hack was only a SMW rom with only Mario modified
Super Distraction world, supper Daisy world, and Mario's Panic - These hacks I cancelled because they had bad Graphics, soo many glitches it'd make you cry, and also, Super Distraction world, if a enemy hit you, the screen would go black and the rom would freeze for some odd reason. X_X
also, I forgot to mention, Supper Daisy world, that's my little sis's, she needed my help...alot!

number of hacks cancelled: 28
I didn't list alot because if I did, I'd have written a novel. XD

Well, thanks for viewing my Userpage, see ya! :D

P. S. This'll get updated every few weeks if I remember. ;)

Gender: Male
Age: 30
Location: GreenHill Zone
Local Time: February 14, 2025, 04:20:42 pm

Want to brawl, tell me, i'm game! message me on here or SMWC for my brawl code. ;)
Also, Mario and The Mushroom of power demo 1 fixed is out, get it at SMWC! =D=D=D=D=D
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